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- \ NOAH's ARC a public domain game for the ATARI ST --> Game idea and author Eric Hutton Collect animals by spelling their names on the 3 spining reels of letters, before the food or spins run out. Hear the animal sounds as you collect them. Runs in low/medium/high resolution. Whenever a reel stops on a ? you are given two nudges and it respins, animals can also be exchanged for nudges instead of being put in the arc. Nudges can be exchanged for goes in the lucky dip which contains extra food,spins or empty boxes. Collecting "HAY" also gives +80 food \ NOAH's ARC game \ \ Runs under GEM Forth/ST v2 by MicroProcessor Engineering LTD. \ The program has been written assuming a 400x600 screen with \ 4 colours. A modified GEM interface converts the xy points \ at run time for other screen resolutions. \ A copy of the changes is appended to this source file : listing ( -- ) printer 42 2 do i block c@ ascii \ = if i list then loop console ; \ Load screen \ 1st load modified GEM.SCR 37 load \ define colour pallet 38 load \ defered animal noises 39 load \ replay subroutine BASCODE.EXE 40 41 thru \ animal noises from ARC.SND directory 3 36 thru \ rest of the noah's arc game \ ;s \ create executable program...... : (game) 0 blk ! r0 @ rp! game ; here 256 / 2+ 256 * hex 0128 ! \ set runtime forth size assign (game) to-do quit assign appl-open to-do loader save b:\NOAH \ definion primatives : gotoxy ( x y -- x y ) swap x> swap gotoxy ; : outside ( literal -- rubbish ) 0 swap ; immediate 0 constant false -1 constant true : sign+- ( n -- ) 0< if ascii - else ascii + then hold ; : -bounds ( addr n -- addr-1 addr+n ) over + 1- ; : "hold ( addr -- ) count -bounds do i c@ hold -1 +loop ; \ keyboard input : ?keydrop ( -- ) begin key? while key drop repeat ; : lc ( char1 -- char1 ) dup 65 90 within? if 32 + then ; : lower ( addr len -- ) \ if upper case convert to lower case bounds ?do i c@ lc i c! loop ; : key_y/n? ( -- flag ) case key upc ascii Y of true endof ascii N of false endof next-case ; : string ( n -- ) create dup c, allot ( -- addr ) does> ; : keyin ( addr -- ) cursor-on ?keydrop dup count blank dup count expect count lower cursor-off ; \ define graphics : shape create ( x y .... n -- ) dup , 0 do w, w, loop does> dup @ swap 4+ swap fillarea ; : pattern create ( patern# style# colour -- ) , , , does> dup @ vsf-colour 4+ 2@ vsf-pattern ; : outlined 16 vst-effects ; : normal 0 vst-effects ; : replace replace vswr-mode ; : transparent transparent vswr-mode ; : line ( x1 y1 x2 y2 -- ) 2 pop-vertex 0 pop-intin 6 vdi-call ; \ define ARC & animals to collect create thearc here ", cow" 0 , 5 , 4 , ' moo , ", daisy " ", yak" 0 , 5 , 4 , ' yaknoise , ", eric " ", pig" 0 , 5 , 4 , ' grunt , ", david " ", cat" 0 , 2 , 2 , ' meow , ", felix " ", dog" 0 , 2 , 2 , ' bark , ", snoopy " ", fox" 0 , 2 , 2 , ' howl , ", basil " ", bat" 0 , 1 , 2 , ' wing-flap , ", vince " ", rat" 0 , 1 , 2 , ' scurry , ", roland " ", owl" 0 , 1 , 2 , ' hoot , ", teresa " ", hay" 0 , 0 , 4 , ' noop , ", " here - 10 / abs ( gives length of each entry ) : animal ( animal# -- addr ) outside literal * thearc + ; drop \ access contents of the arc : cage+ 4+ ; : feed+ 8+ ; 9 constant hay : vacate ( animal# -- ) animal cage+ false swap ! ; : occupy ( animal# -- ) animal cage+ true swap ! ; : collected? ( animal# -- flag ) animal cage+ @ ; : empty-arc ( -- ) 10 0 do i vacate loop ; : arcfull? ( -- flag ) true 9 0 do i collected? if else drop false leave then loop ; : animal>sound ( animal# -- ) animal 16 + @ execute ; : animal>name ( animal# -- addr ) animal 20 + ; \ graphics : animal>xy ( animal# -- x y ) 3 /mod 94 * 330 + swap 36 * 132 + ; : porthole+ ( x1 y1 -- x1 y1 x2 y2 ) over 84 + over 30 + ; : name+ ( x y - x y) 22 + swap 10 + swap ; : .name ( animal# -- ) black vst-colour 16 vst-height transparent dup animal count rot animal>xy name+ v-gtext ; : .porthole ( animal# -- ) animal>xy porthole+ rfbox ; 2 8 brown pattern wooden : .nameplate ( animal# -- ) dup wooden .porthole .name ; \ graphics 2 3 blue pattern grass 2 1 brown pattern soil 340 2 340 210 192 210 192 252 240 300 240 639 399 639 399 2 340 2 9 shape ground : draw-ground grass ground transparent soil ground replace ; 184 190 184 320 190 320 190 190 4 shape gangplank \ graphics for lucky dip chest 2 24 brown pattern planked 332 340 332 540 380 540 380 340 332 340 5 shape chest : .front_of_chest ( -- ) planked chest ; : .inside_chest ( -- ) soil chest ; \ draw the arc 120 300 120 628 240 598 240 330 120 300 5 shape hull 2 20 ochre pattern shingle 60 350 60 476 88 486 88 340 60 350 5 shape roof 2 9 brown pattern brick 88 360 88 466 120 466 120 360 90 360 5 shape cabin : draw-arc ( -- ) planked hull brick cabin shingle roof outlined 9 0 do i .nameplate loop ; \ define reels create (reels) \ wound# c string.... ( repeated 3 times ) here 0 , ", hypcdhfbrobdcrfpbocrhypc" align 0 , ", oai?owaoaaoaowiawo?aoai?" align 0 , ", ltxgtwktylxt?tywntygltxg" align here - 3 / abs ( length of entry ) : reel ( reel# -- addr ) outside literal * (reels) + ; drop 64 constant reel-height : reel>x ( reel# -- x ) 32 * 100 + ; : reel>y ( reel# -- y ) drop 60 ; : reel>ywin ( reel# -- y ) reel>y reel-height 2* + ; : at+ 4+ ; : top+ at+ dup c@ + 1+ ; : win+ top+ 2+ ; \ show food and spins left variable food variable feeding : .food ( -- ) 60 6 gotoxy "" food " count type food @ 4 .r ; : food? ( -- flag ) food @ 0> ; : nofood? ( -- flag ) food? not ; variable spin# : .spins ( -- ) 50 2 gotoxy "" SPINS " count type spin# @ 2 .r ; : spins? ( -- flag ) spin# @ 0> ; \ define nudges create nudges ", 123456789" align variable #nudges : nudge>xy ( n -- x y ) dup 1 and 32 * 10 + ( n x ) swap 32 * negate 360 + ; : .nudge ( n -- ) ochre vst-colour replace 64 vst-height dup nudges + 1 rot nudge>xy v-gtext ; : nudges? ( -- flag ) #nudges @ 0 > ; : +nudge ( -- ) #nudges @ 9 < if 1 #nudges +! #nudges @ normal .nudge then ; : -nudge ( -- ) nudges? if #nudges @ outlined .nudge -1 #nudges +! then ; : draw-nudges ( -- ) outlined 10 1 do i .nudge loop normal #nudges @ 1+ 1 ?do i .nudge loop 40 vst-height "" nudges" count 10 380 v-gtext ; \ sea graphics : leftsea ( n -- y x y x ) >r 330 r@ 4/ - 240 r@ - 300 r@ - 240 r> - ; : rightsea ( n -- y x y x ) >r 600 r@ 4/ + 240 r@ - 639 240 r> - ; : seasurface ( n -- ) dup dup 1+ dup black vsl-colour leftsea line rightsea line blue vsl-colour leftsea line rightsea line ; : ?fillsea ( -- ) spin# @ 40 < if 40 spin# @ - seasurface then ; : +spin ( -- ) 1 spin# +! ?fillsea ; : -spin ( -- ) -1 spin# +! ?fillsea ; \ help text : helpline ( n -- ) 15 + 30 swap gotoxy ; : .spaces ( -- ) 22 spaces ; : erasetext ( -- ) 5 1 do i helpline .spaces loop ; : moretext ( -- ) 7000 ms bell erasetext 200 ms ; defer restart.message assign noop to-do restart.message defer .message : ?message ( -- ) .message assign noop to-do .message ; \ define lucky dip create "food" ", food " align create "spins" ", spins " align create "emptybox" ", empty box" align create (dip) 10 , "food" , 0 , "emptybox" , 10 , "food" , 0 , "emptybox" , 5 , "spins" , 30 , "food" , 0 , "emptybox" , 10 , "food" , 5 , "spins" , : pickdip ( -- addr n ) random# 9 mod 8 * (dip) + 2@ ; : ?foodwin ( n addr -- ) "food" = if food +! .food else drop then ; : ?spinswin ( n addr -- ) "spins" = if 0 do +spin loop .spins else drop then ; \ lucky dip : .contents ( addr n colour# -- ) vst-colour normal transparent 32 vst-height 350 368 v-gtext replace ; : draw-chest ( -- ) .front_of_chest "" lucky dip" count blue .contents ; : <#dip> ( addr n -- ) dup s>d dabs <# #s bl hold rot sign+- rot "hold #> ; : luckydip ( -- ) pickdip 2dup ?dup 0<> if <#dip> else count then .inside_chest blue .contents swap 2dup ?foodwin ?spinswin 1000 ms draw-chest ; \ decide if winning line variable win-line : win! ( reel# -- ) 3 win-line c! dup reel win+ c@ swap win-line + 1+ c! ; : win? ( -- animal# flag ) 0 false 10 0 do i animal @ win-line @ = if 2drop i true leave then loop ; \ display reels variable vst-x : .reel-down ( addr len x y -- ) swap vst-x ! swap reel-height * bounds do dup 1 vst-x @ i v-gtext 1+ reel-height +loop drop ; : .reel ( reel# -- ) >r replace normal reel-height vst-height blue vst-colour r@ reel top+ 5 r@ reel>x r> reel>y .reel-down ; : .reels ( -- ) 3 0 do i .reel loop ; : .win ( reel# -- ) >r replace 2 vst-effects reel-height vst-height blue vst-colour r@ reel win+ 1 r@ reel>x r> reel>ywin v-gtext ; \ reel movement : position ( movement+- reel# -- ) dup >r reel at+ swap over c@ + 20 mod swap c! r@ win! r> .reel ; 1 constant up -1 constant down : wound? ( addr -- flag ) @ 0> ; : anywoundup? ( -- flag ) false 3 0 do i reel wound? or loop ; : windreel ( reel# -- ) random# 8 mod 15 + swap reel ! ; : windreels ( -- ) 3 0 do i windreel loop ; \ reel movement : (spin) ( -- ) begin anywoundup? while 3 0 do i reel wound? if -1 i reel +! down i position else 20 ms then loop repeat ; : +nudges ( n -- ) 0 do +nudge loop ; : animal>nudges ( animal# -- ) animal 12 + @ +nudges ; : spin ( -- ) -nudge -spin .spins windreels (spin) ; : ?respin ( -- ) 3 0 do i reel win+ c@ ascii ? = if 2 +nudges i windreel then loop anywoundup? if bell 1000 ms (spin) recurse then ; \ show if line win : 0win ( -- ) 0 win-line ! 0 .win 1 .win 2 .win ; : eat ( -- ) feeding @ negate food +! .food ; : exchange ( -- ) win? if 0win animal>nudges else drop nudges? if -nudge luckydip then then ; : .copyright ( -- ) 189 emit "" Eric Hutton 1989 " count type ; : .credits ( -- ) 1 helpline "" NOAH's ARC is a public" count type 2 helpline "" domain program. " count type 3 helpline "" Press HELP for rules " count type 4 helpline .copyright ; \ show if line win : .collect_rule ( -- ) 1 helpline "" To collect an animal " count type 2 helpline "" spell its name level " count type 3 helpline "" with the gangplank. " count type 4 helpline .spaces moretext .credits ; : collect ( -- ) win? if 0win dup occupy dup hay = if drop 80 food +! .food else 500 ms dup animal>sound dup normal .nameplate animal feed+ @ feeding +! then else .collect_rule drop then ; \ help text : .lucky_dip_is ( -- ) 1 helpline "" Press E to exchange " count type 2 helpline "" a nudge for a go on " count type 3 helpline "" the lucky dip. " count type 4 helpline .spaces assign .credits to-do .message ; \ help text : .hint#1 ( -- ) 2 helpline "" The largest animals " count type 3 helpline "" eat the most food. " count type 4 helpline .spaces ; : .hint#2 ( -- ) 2 helpline "" Collecting hay gives " count type 3 helpline "" +80 food " count type 4 helpline .spaces ; : .hint#3 ( -- ) 2 helpline "" Animals on the winning" count type 3 helpline "" line can be exchanged " count type 4 helpline "" for nudges. Use E key " count type ; \ give prize for filling the arc up 3 string called : animal? ( -- animal# flag ) 0 false 9 0 do i animal @ called @ = if 2drop i true leave then loop ; : .welldone ( -- ) erasetext 1 helpline "" Well done. " count type 2 helpline "" Pick an animal? " count type begin called keyin animal? until 3 helpline "" Its name is " count type animal>name count type 4 helpline "" Try calling out to it " count type moretext ; \ game abandoned or run out of food/spins : .giveup ( -- ) erasetext 1 helpline "" Game abandoned " count type ; : .gameover ( -- ) 1 helpline "" Game over. " count type nofood? if hay collected? if .hint#1 else .hint#2 then then food? if .hint#3 then moretext ; : yakfact ( -- ) 1 helpline "" Yaks come from Tibet " count type 2 helpline "" bred by monks who are " count type 3 helpline "" under a vow of silence" count type 4 helpline "" Yaks are very quiet..." count type moretext .credits ; \ help text : .aim-of-game ( -- ) 1 helpline "" Spin reels, & collect " count type 2 helpline "" one of each animal to " count type 3 helpline "" fill the arc before " count type 4 helpline "" the time runs out... " count type moretext .credits ; : .keys ( -- ) 1 helpline "" S=spin C=collect " count type 2 helpline "" G=give up E=exchange " count type 3 helpline "" 789=nudge reels up " count type 4 helpline "" 456=nudge reels down " count type assign .credits to-do .message ; \ help text 7 string callto : name? ( -- animal# flag ) 0 false 9 0 do i animal>name callto 7 s= if 2drop i true leave then loop ; : callanimal ( -- ) erasetext 2 helpline "" Each time you fill up " count type 3 helpline "" the ARC your prize is " count type 4 helpline "" the name of an animal " count type 1 helpline "" animals name? " count type callto keyin name? if 500 ms animal>sound else drop then .credits ; \ help text : .help-menu ( -- ) 1 helpline "" 1. aim of the game " count type 2 helpline "" 2. what keys do " count type 3 helpline "" 3. using the lucky dip" count type 4 helpline "" 4. call out to animal " count type ; : help ( -- ) .help-menu case key ascii 1 of .aim-of-game endof ascii 2 of .keys endof ascii 3 of .lucky_dip_is endof ascii 4 of callanimal endof .credits endcase ; \ food has run out create "no" ", no " align : .nofood ( -- ) erasetext 1 helpline "" The food has run out." count type 3 helpline "" If you can't type no " count type 2 helpline "" Sacrifice animal? " count type ; : nosacrifice? ( -- flag ) called @ "no" @ = ; \ food has run out : animal>food ( animal# -- ) dup vacate dup outlined .nameplate animal feed+ @ dup negate feeding +! 10 * food +! ; : sacrifice ( animal# -- ) dup collected? if animal>food .food else drop then ; : food-runout ( -- ) begin .nofood called keyin animal? if sacrifice else drop then food? nosacrifice? or until .credits ; \ starting up a new game : draw-game ( -- ) v-clrwk draw-ground draw-arc draw-nudges planked gangplank draw-chest .spins .food .credits ; : init ( -- ) appl-open cursor-off set-colour-pallet assign noop to-do .message assign yakfact to-do yaknoise ; : start ( -- ) 0 feeding ! 120 food ! 3 #nudges ! 50 spin# ! empty-arc windreels draw-game (spin) ?respin assign .giveup to-do restart.message ; : finish ( -- ) appl-close cursor-on quit ; \ decide if game over : ?restart ( -- ) restart.message 4 helpline "" another game y/n ? " count type key_y/n? if start else bye then ; : gameover ( -- ) assign .gameover to-do restart.message ?restart ; : reward ( -- ) assign .welldone to-do restart.message ?restart ; : ?gameover ( -- ) arcfull? if reward then win? nip nudges? or if else spins? if else gameover then nofood? if food-runout nofood? if gameover then then then ; \ Top level program loop : game ( -- ) init start begin case evnt-keybd ?message 25088 of help endof 255 and ( mask ascii ) lc ascii c of collect endof ascii g of ?restart endof ascii e of exchange endof ascii s of spins? if eat spin else .lucky_dip_is then endof ascii 7 of nudges? if -nudge up 0 position then endof ascii 8 of nudges? if -nudge up 1 position then endof ascii 9 of nudges? if -nudge up 2 position then endof ascii 4 of nudges? if -nudge down 0 position then endof ascii 5 of nudges? if -nudge down 1 position then endof ascii 6 of nudges? if -nudge down 2 position then endof ( test ) \ ascii 0 of finish endof ascii * of -spin endof ( test ) \ ascii + of +nudge endof ascii - of -nudge endof endcase ?respin ?gameover ?keydrop again ; \ define colour pallet 0 constant black 1 constant ochre 2 constant brown 3 constant blue : set-colour-pallet ( -- ) black 0 0 0 vs-colour ochre 1000 1000 0 vs-colour brown 1000 720 0 vs-colour blue 0 1000 1000 vs-colour ; \ define animal noises ( silent so far ) defer moo ( pig ) assign noop to-do moo defer yaknoise ( yak ) assign noop to-do yaknoise defer grunt ( pig ) assign noop to-do grunt defer meow ( cat ) assign noop to-do meow defer bark ( dog ) assign noop to-do bark defer howl ( fox ) assign noop to-do howl defer wing-flap ( bat ) assign noop to-do wing-flap defer scurry ( rat ) assign noop to-do scurry defer hoot ( owl ) assign noop to-do hoot \ Load assembler routine to replay digital sounds asm code (replay) l$1 bsr, next, l$1: 2800 allot end-code unhook-asm pcb r.exe r.exe pathname bascode.exe r.exe open-path-pcb . 28 r.exe handle seek-path . ' (replay) >body 12 + constant r.entry r.entry 2794 28 - r.exe handle read-path . . : replay ( addr n freq -- ) r.entry 10 + ! r.entry 6 + ! bp+ r.entry 2+ ! (replay) ; \ call replay routine 4 constant 20khz 2 constant 10khz pcb *.spl : soundof \ eg 6960 10khz soundof hoot create , dup , here over allot swap *.spl open-path-pcb . *.spl handle read-path . . does> 8+ dup 8- 2@ replay ; \ load sound samples *.spl pathname ARC.SND\COW.SPL 9332 10khz soundof moo *.spl pathname ARC.SND\PIG_1.SPL 5126 10khz soundof grunt#1 *.spl pathname ARC.SND\PIG_2.SPL 9270 10khz soundof grunt#2 : grunt ( -- ) grunt#1 400 ms grunt#2 ; *.spl pathname ARC.SND\CAT.SPL 10048 10khz soundof meow *.spl pathname ARC.SND\DOG.SPL 4080 20khz soundof bark#1 : bark ( -- ) bark#1 400 ms bark#1 ; *.spl pathname ARC.SND\OWL.SPL 9746 10khz soundof hoot *.spl pathname ARC.SND\FOX.SPL 14134 10khz soundof howl *.spl pathname ARC.SND\RAT.SPL 5334 10khz soundof scurry *.spl pathname ARC.SND\BAT.SPL 12740 10khz soundof wing-flap \ Copy of GEM interface changes \ scale screen x y for low/med/hi res..........E H 11Oct89 defer x> assign noop to-do x> defer y> assign noop to-do y> : scale>ptsin ( #xypairs -- ) ?dup if 0 ptsin swap 4* bounds do i w@ x> i w! i 2+ w@ y> i 2+ w! 4 +loop then ; : .ptsin ( #xypairs -- ) \ for test purposes only ?dup if 0 ptsin swap 4* bounds do i w@ . i 2+ w@ . 4 +loop then ; \ Copy of GEM interface changes : assign.xy ( -- ) assign noop to-do x> assign noop to-do y> screen-height @ 200 = if assign 2/ to-do y> then screen-width @ 320 = if assign 2/ to-do x> then ; \ change the following words in GEM.SCR \ \ pop-vertex >r r@ ......... >r scale>ptsin ; \ vertex-in >r r@ ......... >r scale>ptsin ; \ appl-open ........... assign-xy ;